
Fast Multiphysics Simulation of Maxwell's and Drift-Diffusion Equations for Predictive Micro- and Nano-device Simulation in the THz Regime

Hongyang Liu, Dan Jiao, Purdue University, United States

Finite-Difference Time-Domain and other transient simulation methods Oral

AP-S: Computational and Analytical Techniques

Spadolini: 1-08

Session Time:
Mon, 15 Jul, 13:40 - 17:20
Presentation Time:
Mon, 15 Jul, 13:40 - 14:00

Session Co-Chairs:
Dan Jiao, Purdue University and Kristof Cools, Ghent University
Session MO-A4.1P
MO-A4.1P.1: Fast Multiphysics Simulation of Maxwell's and Drift-Diffusion Equations for Predictive Micro- and Nano-device Simulation in the THz Regime
Hongyang Liu, Dan Jiao, Purdue University, United States
MO-A4.1P.2: FDTD Method for Field-Impulse Equations
Eng Leong Tan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
MO-A4.1P.3: Newton-Raphson Nonlinear Solver for Electric Field Integral Equation and Resistive Boundary Condition
Jay Prakash, Ghent University, Belgium; Mark T. Greenaway, Loughborough University, United Kingdom; Kristof Cools, Ghent University, Belgium
MO-A4.1P.4: The General PML in FDTD for Ferromagnetic Component Simulations
Li Li, Yang Liu, Yuanxun Wang, UCLA, United States
MO-A4.1P.5: A Space-Time Building Block Methodology for Time-Domain Analysis of Quasi-periodic Structures
Gonzalo Núñez Muñoz, University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States; Shu Wang, NVIDIA Corporation, United States; Zhen Peng, University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
MO-A4.1P.6: Coupled micromagnetic-electromagnetic solvers with truncated boundaries
Vitaliy Lomakin, Jiawei Duan, University of California, San Diego, United States
MO-A4.1P.7: Numerical Coupling of Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert Equation with Maxwell’s Equations to Simulate Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Ferromagnetic Materials
Kenan Tekbaş, Miguel Ruiz Cabello, The University of Granada, Spain; Jean-Pierre Bérenger, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Luis D. Angulo, Salvador G. Garcia, The University of Granada, Spain
MO-A4.1P.8: FDTD Simulation of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces with GSTCs
Yu Cheng, University College Dublin, Ireland; Xingqi Zhang, University of Alberta, Canada
MO-A4.1P.9: Simulation of Thermodynamic Effect for Packaged Enclosures
Yan Peng, Kexin Song, Tiancheng Zhang, Huaguang Bao, Dazhi Ding, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China; Jian Yang, Nanjing Solid State Devices Co, China
MO-A4.1P.10: A Stable and Symmetric FDTD Subgridding Method with the LTS Technique
Langran Deng, Beihang University (BUAA), China; Ge Li, Beijing Institute of Space Long March Vehicle, China; Shunchuan Yang, Beihang University (BUAA), China