Presentation Instructions

All regular and invited conference session presentations are in either oral or interactive forum (poster) format. Student Paper Competition (SPC) finalists will present their work in poster format in addition to the oral presentation for judging.

To be included in the proceedings published in IEEE Xplore, all papers must be presented in person at the symposium. If you are unable to present your paper personally, please arrange for someone else to present it. If no one is available to present your work, notify the Technical Program Co-chairs as soon as possible ( so that it can be withdrawn. As per IEEE directives, papers that are not presented in person will not be included in the conference proceedings on IEEE Xplore.

The session chair(s) for your session will have a Feedback Form where they will mark whether or not your paper was presented during the session. If the Form indicates that the paper was not presented, it will be automatically withdrawn from appearing in IEEE Xplore. Before or after your session, please approach the session chair and make sure that he or she has marked your presence.

Oral Presentations

All oral presentations have been allocated 20 minutes. The 20-minute time slot must include the presentation, questions, discussion, and the transition to the next presentation. Speakers should prepare a 15-16 minute presentation to allow 4-5 minutes for questions. Most speakers cover one to two slides per minute.

  • All presentations must be prepared in PowerPoint (file extension .pptx) or PDF (file extension .pdf).
  • They will be displayed from a PC with Windows 10 and PowerPoint 2016 on a 16:9 format screen.
  • All presentation must be delivered at Speaker Service Centre at least 2 hours before your scheduled presentation time. If your presentation is scheduled early in the morning please deliver your presentation the day before.

The Speaker Service Centre is located near the registration desk and will be open and staffed with technicians according to the following schedule:

Day Times
Sunday, 14 July 14:00 - 17:00
Monday, 15 July 07:30 - 17:30
Tuesday, 16 July 07:30 - 17:30
Wednesday, 17 July 07:30 - 17:30
Thursday, 18 July 07:30 - 17:30
Friday, 19 July 07:30 - 17:30

In order to ensure an optimal delivery of your presentation, please stick to the following guidelines in the preparation of your presentation:

  • Your presentation should be 16:9 formatted.
  • Preferred page set-up is landscape orientation (portrait orientation will not be displayed correctly).
  • Use standard Windows fonts only. Try to avoid use of non-standard Windows fonts or language specific fonts.
  • Images: Do not copy and paste the images from another application, please use the “insert image from a file” functionality from PowerPoint (format JPG or PNG).
  • Video: we strongly suggest WMV or MP4 as video formats. To avoid any issue with movies and loops, presentations should be saved as a .pptx files.
  • Apple Keynote users: Please export your presentation and select pptx format in the advanced option dialog. Check your presentation on a Windows-operated computer (preferably Win 10).
On site help:

If you have technical questions regarding your presentation you can meet the technician in the Speaker Service Centre to either make sure that your presentation will run properly on the system or to anticipate a backup solution.


Personal laptop computers cannot be connected to the projectors. Presentations cannot be loaded directly onto the computer in the lecture rooms. Presentations must be uploaded via our service at the Speaker Service Centre.

Poster Presentations

The poster boards are arranged in "islands" which can hold up to 10 posters each.

The poster boards are 1000mm wide by 2500mm high (from the floor). The poster itself can be a maximum of 841mm wide and 2500mm high (to allow more space to the adjacent presenters.) The preferred poster sizes are A0 (841mm wide by 1189mm high) and B1 (707mm wide by 1000mm high).

Patafix will be provided. Do not use any other material or product to affix your poster to the board.

Times for set-up/removal are as follows:

Day Set-Up Time Removal Time
Tuesday 09:30 - 10:20 16:30 - 17:20
Wed-Thu-Fri 08:30 - 10:20 16:30 - 17:20

Any posters left after the removal period will be disposed by the Conference Secretariat.

Poster Printing Service

COPYLAND is a printing house in Florence located near the Conference Venue. They can print posters with the following dimensions:

  • B1 = 707 × 1000 mm – resistant color printing on special 120/130 g paper - price: € 16 / each
  • A0 = 841 × 1189 mm - resistant color printing on special 120/130 g paper – price: € 19 / each

To order the printing of a poster with delivery to the conference venue (Fortezza da Basso), you must send the poster file in .pdf format via email to Copyland attn. Giancarlo or Giacomo: by July 3rd New deadline July 9th.

Please mention in the email: AP-S / URSI SYMPOSIUM – Poster number – Paper size - Your Name and Surname - Phone

Advance payment by bank transfer or credit card is required.

Posters ordered within the deadline July 3rd New deadline July 9th will be available at the Registration Desk from Monday July 15th

Viale Belfiore 20/r – Firenze

(Click image for high-resolution PDF)