Special, Celebratory and Focused Sessions

The following special sessions are being organized to be held at AP-S/URSI 2024:

Advanced Antenna Technology for Civilian and Defence Applications
Advanced Technologies for EMF Exposure Assessment/Prediction/Monitoring
Advances in Additively Manufactured Dielectric Antennas for Modern Communication and Sensing Systems
AMTA Session - New developments in Antenna Measurements
Application of Electromagnetic Information Theory in next-generation wireless communication
Beam-Scanning Antennas for Next-Generation Wireless and Satellite Communications at mm-Waves and Beyond
Electromagnetic solutions for advanced and emerging RFID systems
High Sensitivity Feeds and Antenna Arrays for Radio Astronomy and Remote Sensing
IEEE AP-S Industry Initiative Session: Antennas for Future Communication Networks
Innovative Antenna Solutions for Next-Gen Non-Terrestrial Networks
Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces and Programmable Metasurfaces: Enabling the Future of 5G and 6G Communications
Machine-Learning as Applied to EM - Trends, Advances, and Applications
Machine‐Learning as Applied to EM ‐ Trends, Advances, and Applications
Maximizing the societal impact of wireless connectivity by bridging new technologies and social science
Medical applications of microwaves: from emerging trends to pathways for clinical application
Multi-functional Reconfigurable Surfaces For Next-Generation Sensing and Communications
Quantum Technology Related to Electromagnetics
Quantum/Atom Based Electric and Magnetic Field Sensors
Recent Advances in the Numerical Synthesis of Metasurfaces
Safety Aspects of Wearable and Implanted Antennas and Sensors
The Latest Developments for Automotive Antennas

The following celebratory sessions are being organized to be held at AP-S/URSI 2024:

Advancing Electromagnetic Frontiers in Antennas and Propagation: A Centenary Tribute to Leopold B. Felsen
Celebrating Prof. Constantine A. Balanis' 85th Birthday and Contributions to Antennas and Propagation
Mathematical Advances in Theoretical and Computational Electromagnetics: a Tribute to Prof. Zich
Special Session in Honor of Dr. Arthur D. Yaghjian for his 80th Birthday
Technical and Professional Advancements in Antennas, Propagation, and Radio Science: In Memory of W. Ross Stone
Understanding Our History

Authors are also encouraged to submit papers on the following focused sessions. Please, submit your paper as regular paper by using the suggested AP-S/URSI topic and contact the proposer(s) if you are willing to submit a paper in focused sessions.

Title Proposer Email Suggested AP-S/URSI topic
Physics-assisted learning and optimization techniques for Inverse Problems Martina Teresa Bevacqua martina.bevacqua@unirc.it, scapaticci.r@irea.cnr.it, santi.pavone@unict.it AP-S AP-S.5.44: Inverse scattering and imaging
URSI C.2: Computational imaging and inverse methods
Non-destructive sensing and imaging: From mm to optical waves Maria Antonia Maisto Mariaantonia.maisto@unicampania.it, loreto.didonato@unict.it AP-S AP-S.5.44: Inverse scattering and imaging
URSI B.2.7: Imaging, inverse scattering, and remote sensing
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing of Antennas and Microwave Components for Sensing and Communication Applications Gaetano Marrocco gaetano.marrocco@uniroma2.it, Mohammad.zarifi@ubc.ca AP-S AP-S.6.52: 3D printed antennas and structures
URSI D.10: IoT and RFID antennas, circuits, and systems
Challenges, advances and future trends on emerging applications of Radar Imaging Guillermo Alvarez-Narciandi g.alvarez-narciandi@qub.ac.uk, m.garcia-fernandez@qub.ac.uk, okan.yurduseven@qub.ac.uk AP-S AP-S.6.50: Antennas on platforms and in specialized environments
URSI C.5: Radar systems, target detection, localization, and tracking
New Paradigms in Electromagnetic Identification and sensing Cecilia Occhiuzzi Cecilia.occhiuzzi@uniroma2.it, Simon.hemour@u-bordeaux.fr AP-S AP-S.6.53: RFID antennas and systems
URSI C.6.1: Internet of Things
Non-LTI Electrically Small Antennas Carl Pfeiffer carlpfei@umich.edu, bae-ian.wu.1@us.af.mil AP-S AP-S.6: Antenna Applications and Emerging Technologies
URSI B.1 Antennas
Inverse Design of Antennas, Arrays and Metasurfaces Qi Wu qiwu@seu.edu.cn, zs9193@princeton.edu, chaoqianzju@zju.edu.cn AP-S AP-S.4.37: Optimization methods in EM designs
Novel Physical Layer Technologies for Covert Communications Fikadu Dagefu fikadu.t.dagefu.civ@army.mil, saraband@umich.edu AP-S AP-S.2.18: Reconfigurable and adaptive antennas and arrays
URSI B.1.2: Antenna arrays and systems
Antennas for Planetary Exploration Avinash Sharma avinash.sharma@jhuapl.edu URSI B.1 Antennas
New Applications of Characteristic Mode Analysis to Antenna System Design Buon Kiong Lau Buon_Kiong.Lau@eit.lth.se, Yi.Huang@liverpool.ac.uk AP-S AP-S.4.29: Computational electromagnetics
Antennas and associated techniques for RF Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer Systems Mohammad Hashmi mohammad.hashmi@nu.edu.kz, nasimuddin@i2r.a-star.edu.sg, merih.palandoken@ikc.edu.tr AP-S AP-S.6.54: Wireless power transmission and harvesting
Next-Generation Antenna Technologies for New Space Satellite Communications and Beyond 5G Karu Esselle karu.esselle@uts.edu.au, khushboo.singh@uts.edu.au, dushmantha.thalakotuna@uts.edu.au AP-S AP-S.6.49: Satellite antennas
URSI B.1.4: Antenna feeds and reflector and reflectarray antennas
Rays and Beams in EM Theory and Applications Ludger Klinkenbusch klinkenbusch@tf.uni-kiel.de, giuliano.manara@unipi.it, pathakph@gmail.com AP-S AP-S.4.30: High-frequency and asymptotic methods
URSI B.3.11: Computational electromagnetics, analysis, and optimization