Short Courses, Tutorials and Workshops

FD-1: Electromagnetic Metamaterials and Metasurfaces: Modeling and Applications
Sunday, 14 July, 08:40 - 17:20

Presented by: Andrea Alu

Location: Affari: Hall 3-A

This short course will provide a broad introduction to the field of electromagnetic metamaterials and metasurfaces, covering a wide range of topics, from theoretical approaches to study anomalous wave propagation in arrays of inclusions and the relevant challenges in describing the wave propagation in these arrays in terms of homogenization, to their application in a variety of fields of research and over a wide spectrum of frequencies. After a background on homogenization theory and modeling of metamaterials and metasurfaces, the course will focus on their exotic properties and applications, in order to realize wavefront control, leaky-wave antennas, enhanced nonlinearities and nonreciprocity, sensing, imaging and energy harvesting devices, and various other exciting wave phenomena from radio-frequencies to optical frequencies. I will discuss how these concepts may be applied to overcome current technological challenges and provide breakthroughs in applied fields related to electromagnetics, radio-science and optics.

Andrea Alù is a Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York (CUNY), the Founding Director of the Photonics Initiative at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center, and the Einstein Professor of Physics at the CUNY Graduate Center. He received his Laurea (2001) and PhD (2007) from the University of Roma Tre, Italy, and, after a postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania, he joined the faculty of the University of Texas at Austin in 2009, where he was the Temple Foundation Endowed Professor until Jan. 2018. Dr. Alù is a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the Materials Research Society (MRS), Optica, the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) and the American Physical Society (APS). He is a Highly Cited Researcher since 2017, a Simons Investigator in Physics, the director of the Simons Collaboration on Extreme Wave Phenomena Based on Symmetries, and the Editor in Chief of Optical Materials Express. He has received several scientific awards, including the NSF Alan T. Waterman award, the Blavatnik National Award for Physical Sciences and Engineering, the IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award, the IEEE AP-S Distinguished Achievement Award, the ICO Prize in Optics, the OSA Adolph Lomb Medal, and the URSI Issac Koga Gold Medal.

FD-2: Wireless Power Transfer: Standards, Theory and Applications
Sunday, 14 July, 08:40 - 17:20
Short Course

Presented by: Alessandra Costanzo, Diego Massotti, Mauro Ettorre, Naoki Shinohara, Nuno Borges Carvalho

Location: Affari: Hall 1-A

Wireless power transmission is the next dream technology for an untethered truly mobile experience. Wireless power systems will remove the corded connection between an object in need of energy and the power grid. The technology will benefit a wide range of devices including sensors, portable electronics, electric/autonomous vehicles, biomedical devices etc. The objective of this course is to provide a fundamental understanding of wireless power transmission in the non-radiative/reactive near field and far field. Wireless power transfer systems will be described using electromagnetic field and circuit analysis. Their design parameters and limitations will be outlined, and possible future research directions outlined. Standardization process and current standards will also be presented to further familiarize the students with such technology. The human RF exposure and safety will be also discussed.

Alessandra Costanzo (Fellow, IEEE) has been a Full Professor at the Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, since 2018, where she leads the RF and Wireless Laboratory. She is also involved in research activities dedicated to design entire wireless power transmission systems based on the combination of electromagnetic (EM) and nonlinear numerical techniques, adopting both far- and near-field solutions, for several power levels and operating frequencies. She was the Co-Founder of the EU COST action IC1301 WiPE “Wireless power transfer for sustainable electronics.” She has authored more than 260 scientific publications on peer-reviewed international journals and conferences and several chapter books. Prof. Costanzo is the past Chair of the MTT-26 Committee on Wireless Energy Transfer and Conversion from 2016 to 2017.

Diego Masotti (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electric engineering from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 1997. In 1998 he joined the University of Bologna, where he is currently an Associate Professor of electromagnetic fields. His research interests are in the areas of nonlinear microwave circuit simulation and design, with emphasis on nonlinear/electromagnetic codesign of integrated radiating subsystems/systems for wireless power transfer and energy harvesting applications. He authored more than 80 scientific publications in peer-reviewed international journals and more than 180 scientific publications on international conferences. He serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Wireless Power Transfer.

Mauro Ettorre (Fellow, IEEE) received a Laurea degree “summa cum laude” in Electrical Engineering, and a Ph.D. degree in Electromagnetics from the University of Siena, Italy, in 2004 and 2008, respectively. Since 2023, he is a professor at Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA. Previously, he was a Research Scientist at CNRS, IETR laboratory, France. Dr. Ettorre’s research interests include the analysis and design of quasi-optical systems, wideband arrays, millimeter-wave antennas, non-diffractive radiation and localized waves, wireless power transfer. He has authored over 80 journal papers, 200 conference communications and holds 14 patents (2 licensed). From 2017 till 2023, he served as Associate Editor for the IEEE TAP for which he is now a Track Editor.

Naoki Shinohara (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.E. degree in electronic engineering and the M.E. and Ph.D. (Eng.) degrees in electrical engineering from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1991, 1993, and 1996, respectively. He has been a Research Associate at Kyoto University, since 1996, and then Associate Professor since 2001. Since 2010, he has been a Professor at Kyoto University. He has been engaged in research on solar power stations/satellite and microwave power transmission systems. Dr. Shinohara is currently a Lecturer of the IEEE Distinguish Microwave, a Vice Chair of the IEEE MTT-S Technical Committee 26 (Wireless Power Transfer and Conversion), and the Vice Chair of the Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications, the Chair of the Wireless Power Transfer Consortium for Practical Applications (WiPoT), and the Chair of the Wireless Power Management Consortium (WPMc).

Nuno Borges Carvalho (Fellow, IEEE) was born in Luanda, Angola, in 1972. He is currently a Full Professor and a Senior Research Scientist with the Institute of Telecommunications, University of Aveiro. He has coauthored books on Intermodulation in Microwave and Wireless Circuits, Microwave and Wireless Measurement Techniques, White Space Communication Technologies, and Wireless Power Transmission for Sustainable Electronics. He is a member of IEEE MTT-S ADCOM, the Past Chair of the IEEE Portuguese Section, the Past Chair of MTT-S Technical Committees MTT-20 and MTT-11, and a member of Technical Committees MTT-24 and MTT-26. He is also the Vice Chair of the URSI Commission A (Metrology Group). He has been a Distinguished Microwave Lecturer of MTT-S. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Wireless Power Transfer journal (Cambridge), an Associate Editor of the IEEE Microwave Magazine, and a former Associate Editor of the IEEE TMTT.

FD-3: Quantum Electromagnetics and Its Applications
Sunday, 14 July, 08:40 - 17:20
Short Course

Presented by: Thomas E. Roth, Dong-Yeop Na, Weng C. Chew, Zhen Peng, Gabriele Gradoni, Paolo Rocca, Luca Tosi

Location: Affari: Hall 3.1

There is currently an explosive advancement in quantum information processing technology underway that has the potential to revolutionize society through the use of quantum computers, quantum communication systems, and quantum sensors that can outperform the best classical technologies. Antenna and propagation technologies are no exception, with many longstanding challenges potentially becoming addressable using these new quantum technologies. Further, because these emerging devices significantly involve electromagnetic effects there is an important role that classically-trained electromagnetic engineers can play in making these quantum technologies a reality. This course looks at both sides of this emerging technology space with the assumption that the students have no prior background in quantum physics. Specifically, the course introduces different paradigms of quantum computation and discusses how each approach can be used to solve electromagnetic analysis and optimization problems. Sample applications include the analysis and design of antenna arrays and the beamforming optimization of large reconfigurable intelligent surfaces. A hands-on training is also included to begin learning how to use quantum computers for these applications. We also discuss the fundamentals of quantum theory, with application toward building a description of the quantization of electromagnetic fields. These fundamentals are then extended to look at numerical algorithms for modeling various quantum electromagnetic effects in dispersive inhomogeneous media with applications for quantum communications and quantum sensors. The interactions of electromagnetic fields with superconducting circuit qubits are also covered to provide an understanding of the underlying operations occurring at the hardware level in one of the leading quantum computing architectures.

Thomas Roth is an Assistant Professor in the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. His research focuses on multiscale and multiphysics electromagnetic modeling, particularly for quantum electromagnetic systems. He is well versed in the field of circuit quantum electrodynamics and the modeling of superconducting qubits.

Dong-Yeop Na is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering department at Pohang University of Science and Technology. His research interests are in the numerical simulation of quantum electromagnetic phenomena, such as the operation of a quantum beam splitter, nonlocal dispersion cancellation, and quantum imaging.

Weng Chew is a Distinguished Professor in the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. He has over 40 years of experience in electromagnetics. His recent research interests are in fast algorithms and quantum electromagnetics.

Zhen Peng is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His research interests include computational electromagnetics, statistical electromagnetics in complex environments, and in using quantum computers to solve electromagnetic optimization problems.

Gabriele Gradoni is a Royal Society Industry Fellow and Full Professor at the University of Surrey where he is the Chair in Wireless Communications at the 6G/5G Innovation Centre. His research interests include statistical electromagnetics in complex environments, emerging communications systems, and using quantum computers to solve electromagnetic optimization problems.

Paolo Rocca is with ELEDIA@UniTN and is an Associate Professor at the University of Trento. His research interests include artificial intelligence techniques as applied to electromagnetics, antenna array synthesis and analysis, electromagnetic inverse scattering, and quantum computing for electromagnetic engineering.

Luca Tosi is with ELEDIA@UniTN and is a PhD Student at the University of Trento. His research interests include synthesis methods for unconventional antenna array architectures, electromagnetic inverse scattering, and quantum computing methods for electromagnetic analysis and optimization.

HD-1: Antenna Design and Optimization Using Machine Learning
Sunday, 14 July, 08:40 - 12:20
Short Course

Presented by: Christoph Mäurer, C. J. Reddy

Location: Affari: Hall 2.2

Traditional antenna optimization solves the modified version of the original antenna design for each iteration. Thus, the total time required to optimize a given antenna design is highly dependent on the convergence criteria of the selected algorithm and the time taken for each iteration. Machine (ML) is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. As the antennas are becoming more and more complex each day, antenna designers can take advantage of machine learning to generate trained models for their physical antenna designs and perform fast and intelligent optimization on these trained models. But in CAE and in antenna simulation the availability of data is the main challenge. However, using clever design exploration methods such as space filling Design of Experiment (DoE) approaches can enable the antenna designer to use ML technologies favorably in the antenna design process using the trained models, different optimization algorithms and goals can be run quickly, in seconds, for comparison and for types of different studies, such as for example stochastic analysis for tolerance studies etc. Examples to showcase the advantages of using machine learning for antenna design and optimization will be presented.

Dr. Christoph Mäurer is Lead Technical Specialist EM Solutions at Altair. He received his M.S. (Diplom) in 1994 and his PhD in 1997 from TU Darmstadt. He has been working in the area of computational electromagnetics for over 25 years in different roles. This includes many customer projects for antenna optimization, antenna integration and EMC in automotive, aero, space and telecommunication. He is particularly interested in how new methods can be integrated into simulation and optimization processes to make them more efficient. He worked recently on new domain decomposition approaches for MoM/MLFMM, speedup of RCS simulations with CBFM and using supervised and unsupervised learning in Computational ElectroMagnetics. He published several papers about CAGD, CEM and ML.

Dr. C.J. Reddy is the Vice President, Business Development-Electromagnetics for Americas at Altair. Dr. Reddy was a research fellow at the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada and was awarded the US National Research Council (NRC) Resident Research Associateship at NASA Langley Research Center. While conducting research at NASA Langley, he developed various computational codes for electromagnetics and received a Certificate of Recognition from NASA for development of a hybrid Finite Element Method/Method of Moments/Geometrical Theory of Diffraction code for cavity backed aperture antenna analysis. Dr. Reddy is a Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of ACES (Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society) and a Fellow of AMTA (Antenna Measurement Techniques Association). Dr. Reddy is a co-author of the book, “Antenna Analysis and Design Using FEKO Electromagnetic Simulation Software,” published in June 2014 by SciTech Publishing (now part of IET). Dr. Reddy is elected as a member of AP-S AdCom to serve a three year term from Jan 2023 and he is also currently serving as the chair of IEEE AP-S Young Professionals Committee since 2021.

HD-5: Multibeam Antennas and Beamforming Networks
Sunday, 14 July, 13:40 - 17:20
Short Course

Presented by: Giovanni Toso, Piero Angeletti

Location: Affari: Hall 3.2

The objective of this course consists in presenting the state of the art and the on-going developments in Multi-Beam Antennas (MBAs) and Beam-Forming Networks (BFNs). MBAs find application in several fields including communications, remote sensing (e.g. radars, radiometers, etc.), electronic surveillance and defense systems, science (e.g. multibeam radio telescopes), RF navigation systems, etc. Multibeam antennas are assuming as well an important role in emerging MIMO and 5G communications. The BFN plays an essential role in any antenna system relaying on a set of radiating elements to generate a beam. The course will cover both theoretical and practical aspects for the following topics:

  • Overview of system requirements
  • Multibeam Antennas
    • Linear and Planar Direct Radiating Arrays (based on Periodic or Aperiodic lattices)
    • Reflectorbased architectures (Single-Feed-per-Beam, Multiple-Feed-per-Beam)
    • Lensbased architectures (free space and constrained)
  • Beamforming Networks
  • Analogue BFNs (Corporate, Blass, Nolen, Butler matrices)
  • Digital BFNs
  • RF Technology for Active Components
  • Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs, High Power Amplifiers (HPAs), T/R Modules, etc.
  • Overview of some Operational Multibeam Antennas/BFNs
  • MBAs for spaceborne Narrowband and Broadband Satellite Communication Systems
  • MBAs for Wireless Communications
  • Ongoing European Developments
  • Current Design and Technological Challenges

Giovanni Toso (S’93, M’00, SM ’07, FM ‘23) received the Laurea Degree (cum laude), the Ph.D. and the Post Doctoral Fellowship from the University of Florence, Italy, in 1992, 1995 and 1999, respectively. During his PhD and Post Doc he spent more than one year as a Visiting Scientist at the Laboratoire d’Optique Electromagnetique de Marseille, France. In 1999, he was a Visiting Scientist with the University of California (UCLA) in Los Angeles. In 2000 received a scholarship from Alenia Spazio, Rome, Italy. In the same year he has been appointed Researcher at the Radio Astronomy Observatory of the Italian National Council of Research (CNR). Since 2000, he has been with the Antenna and Submillimeter Waves Section, European Space Agency (ESA), European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands. He has been initiating several research and development activities on satellite antennas based on arrays, reflectarrays, discrete lenses, and reflectors. In particular, in the field of onboard satellite antennas, he has been coordinating activities on multibeam antennas (active and passive) mainly for Telecom applications. In the field of Terminal antennas, he has been supporting the development of reconfigurable antennas with electronic, mechanical, and hybrid scanning; some of these antennas are now available as commercial products. He has promoted the development of the commercial software tool QUPES by TICRA, now used worldwide, for the analysis and design of periodic and quasi-periodic surfaces, such as reflectarrays, frequency selective surfaces, transmitarrays, and polarizers. Dr. Toso received, together with Prof. A. Skrivervik, the European School of Antennas (ESoA) Best Teacher Award in 2018. In 2014, he has been the Guest Editor, together with Dr. R. Mailloux, of the Special Issue on “Innovative Phased Array Antennas Based on Non-Regular Lattices and Overlapped Subarrays” published in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and, for the same society, has been an Associate Editor from 2013 to 2016. In 2018, he has been the Chairperson of the 39th ESA Antenna Workshop on “Multibeam and Reconfigurable Antennas”. Since 2010, together with Dr. P. Angeletti, he has been instructing short courses on Multibeam Antennas and Beamforming Networks during international conferences, such as IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (APS), IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS), IEEE International Conference on Wireless Technology and Systems (ICWITS), European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), and European Microwave Week (EuMW), that have been attended by more than 1100 participants. Together with Dr. P. Angeletti, he is the organizer of the EurAAP-ESoA Course on Active Antennas. From January 2023 Giovanni Toso has been elevated to IEEE Fellow grade for contributions to multibeam antenna developments for satellite applications. G. Toso is an IEEE APS Distinguished Lecturer in 2022-2024.

Piero Angeletti (IEEE M’07, SM’13) received the Laurea degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Ancona (Italy) in 1996, and the PhD in Electromagnetism from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) in 2010. His 30 years experience in RF Systems engineering and technical management encompasses conceptual/architectural design, trade-offs, detailed design, production, integration and testing of satellite payloads and active antenna systems for commercial/military telecommunications and navigation (spanning all the operating bands and set of applications) as well as for multifunction RADARs and electronic counter measure systems. Dr. Angeletti is currently member of the technical staff of the European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC) of the European Space Agency, in Noordwijk (The Netherlands). He is with the Radio Frequency Systems, Payload and Technology Division of the ESA Technical and Quality Management Directorate which is responsible for RF space communication systems, instrumentation, subsystems, equipment and technologies. In particular he oversees ESA R&D activities related to flexible satellite payloads, RF front-ends and on-board digital processors. Dr. Angeletti authored/co-authored over 300 technical reports, book chapters and papers published in peer reviewed professional journals and international conferences’ proceedings.

HD-7: Surface Electromagnetics in Antenna Engineering: From EBG to Metasurfaces and Beyond
Sunday, 14 July, 13:40 - 17:20
Short Course

Presented by: Yahya Rahmat-Samii, Fan Yang

Location: Affari: Hall 2.2

From frequency selective surfaces (FSS) to electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) grounds, from impedance boundaries to metasurfaces, novel electromagnetic surfaces keep on emerging. Many intriguing phenomena occur on these surfaces, and novel devices and applications have been proposed accordingly, which have created an exciting paradigm in electromagnetics, the so-called “Surface Electromagnetics”. This short course will review the development of various electromagnetic surfaces, as well as the state-of-the-art concepts and designs. Detailed presentations will be provided on the unique electromagnetic features of EBG ground planes and advanced metasurfaces. Furthermore, a wealth of antenna examples will be presented to illustrate promising applications of the surface electromagnetics in antenna engineering. The course covers representative materials from recent books by the lecturers, “Surface Electromagnetics: With Applications in Antenna, Microwave and Optical Engineering” (Cambridge University Press 2019) and “Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures in Antenna Engineering” (Cambridge University Press, 2009).

Yahya Rahmat-Samii is a Distinguished Professor, a holder of the Northrop-Grumman Chair in electromagnetics, a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE), a Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, the winner of the 2011 IEEE Electromagnetics Field Award, and the Former Chairman of the Electrical Engineering Department, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA, USA. He was a Senior Research Scientist with the Caltech/NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He has authored or coauthored more than 1100 technical journal papers and conference articles and has written over 35 book chapters and seven books. He has more than 20 cover-page IEEE publication articles.

Dr. Rahmat-Samii is a fellow of IEEE, AMTA, ACES, EMA, and URSI. He was a recipient of the Henry Booker Award from URSI, in 1984, which is given triennially to the most outstanding young radio scientist in North America, the Best Application Paper Prize Award (Wheeler Award) of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation in 1992 and 1995, the University of Illinois ECE Distinguished Alumni Award in 1999, the IEEE Third Millennium Medal and the AMTA Distinguished Achievement Award in 2000. In 2001, he received an Honorary Doctorate Causa from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. He received the 2002 Technical Excellence Award from JPL, the 2005 URSI Booker Gold Medal presented at the URSI General Assembly, the 2007 IEEE Chen- To Tai Distinguished Educator Award, the 2009 Distinguished Achievement Award of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, the 2010 UCLA School of Engineering Lockheed Martin Excellence in Teaching Award, and the 2011 campus-wide UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award. He was also a recipient of the Distinguished Engineering Educator Award from The Engineers Council in 2015, the John Kraus Antenna Award of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and the NASA Group Achievement Award in 2016, the ACES Computational Electromagnetics Award and the IEEE Antennas and Propagation S. A. Schelkunoff Best Transactions Prize Paper Award in 2017, and the prestigious Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 2019. The medals are awarded annually to a group of distinguished U.S. citizens who exemplify a life dedicated to community service. These are individuals who preserve and celebrate the history, traditions, and values of their ancestry while exemplifying the values of the American way of life and are dedicated to creating a better world. He received the Harrington–Mittra Computational Electromagnetics Award in 2022 and he is the recipient of the 2023 USNC-URSI Outstanding Educator Award.

He has had pioneering research contributions in diverse areas of electromagnetics, antennas, measurement and diagnostics techniques, numerical and asymptotic methods, satellite and personal communications, human/antenna interactions, RFID and implanted antennas in medical applications, frequency-selective surfaces, electromagnetic band-gap and meta-material structures, applications of the genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimizations. His original antenna designs are on many NASA/JPL spacecrafts for planetary, remote sensing, and Cubesat missions. He is the Designer of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society logo which is displayed on all IEEE AP-S publications. He was the 1995 President of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and 2009–2011 President of the United States National Committee (USNC) of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI). He has also served as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer presenting lectures internationally.

Fan Yang received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and the Ph.D. degree from UCLA. From 2002 to 2004, he was a Post-Doctoral Research Engineer and Instructor at UCLA. In 2004, he joined the Electrical Engineering Department, The University of Mississippi as an Assistant Professor, and was promoted to an Associate Professor. In 2011, he joined the Electronic Engineering Department, Tsinghua University as a Professor, and served as the Director of the Microwave and Antenna Institute until 2020.

Dr. Yang’s research interests include antennas, surface electromagnetics, computational electromagnetics, and applied electromagnetic systems. He has published over 500 journal articles and conference papers, eight book chapters, and six books entitled Surface Electromagnetics (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2019), Reflectarray Antennas: Theory, Designs, and Applications (IEEE-Wiley, 2018), Analysis and Design of Transmitarray Antennas (Morgan & Claypool, 2017), Scattering Analysis of Periodic Structures Using Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method (Morgan & Claypool, 2012), Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures in Antenna Engineering (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009), and Electromagnetics and Antenna Optimization Using Taguchi’s Method (Morgan & Claypool, 2007).

HD-8: Stand on the Antennas & Propagation Standards
Sunday, 14 July, 13:40 - 17:20

Presented by: Vikass Monebhurrun, Lars Jacob Foged, Vince Rodriguez

Location: Affari: Hall 2-A

There is no fee to attend this workshop, however, advance registration is required to attend.

Participants of the workshop will be enrolled in a drawing, and 3 lucky winners will receive a copy of the recently published IEEE Std 149-2021: IEEE Recommended Practice on Antenna Measurements (US $164 Value).

The terminology standards on antennas (IEEE Std. 145) and radio wave propagation (IEEE Std. 211) are important documents that guarantee the right use of accepted terms in technical papers and reports. IEEE Std. 149 (antenna measurement), IEEE Std. 1720 (near field antenna measurement) & IEEE Std. 1502 (radar cross-section measurement) prove useful when performing antenna measurements. The workshop will provide an overview of these standards that have been developed by the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Standards Committee.

Vikass Monebhurrun (SM’07) received the PhD degree in 1994 and the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches in 2010 from Université Pierre et Marie Curie and Université Paris-Sud, respectively. His research contributed to the international standardization committees of CENELEC, IEC, and IEEE. He is author and co-author of more than hundred peer-reviewed international conference and journal papers and five book chapters. He is an active contributor to the international standardization committees of IEC 62209, IEC 62232, IEC/IEEE 62704 and IEEE1528. He serves as Associate-Editor for the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine since 2015 and Transactions since 2016, and Editor of the IoP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering since 2013. He is the founder of the IEEE RADIO international conference and he served as General Chair for all eight editions since 2012. He is the Chair of the international committees of IEC/IEEE 62704-3 since 2010 and IEEE Antennas and Propagation Standards since 2015. He was recipient of the URSI YSA in 1996, IEEE-SA International Joint Working Group Chair Award in 2017, IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Humanitarian Technical Field Project Award in 2018, International Electrotechnical Commission 1906 Award in 2018 and IEEE Standards Association International Award in 2019. He serves as Member of the IEEE SA Board of Governors (2024-2025).

Lars Foged (M’91–SM’00) received his B.S. from Aarhus Teknikum, Denmark in 1988 and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from California Institute of Technology, USA in 1990. He was a “graduate trainee” of the European Space Agency, ESTEC and in the following ten years, designed communication and navigation antennas in the satellite industry. He led the antenna design effort on the recently launched GALILEO space segment and performed the multi-physics design of shaped reflectors for the EUTELSAT W satellites, still serving European users. Following his passion to rationalize the multi-disciplinary antenna design process, including measurements and simulations, he joined MVG (formerly SATIMO) in 2001 and founded the Italian branch office. In MVG, he initiated close collaborations with universities and research institutions on measurements with focus on antennas and techniques for analysis/post-processing. He has held different technical leadership positions in MVG and is currently the Scientific Director of the Microwave Vision Group, and Associate Director of Microwave Vision Italy. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 journal and conference papers on antenna design and measurement topics and received the “Best Technical Paper Award” from AMTA in 2013. He has contributed to five books and standards, and holds four patents.

Vince Rodriguez (SM’06) attended The University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), in Oxford, Mississippi, where he obtained his B.S.E.E. in 1994. Following graduation Dr. Rodriguez joined the department of Electrical Engineering at Ole Miss as a research assistant. During that period he earned his M.S. and Ph.D. (both degrees on Engineering Science with emphasis in Electromagnetics) in 1996 and 1999 respectively. After a short period as visiting professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Dr. Rodriguez joined EMC Test Systems (now ETS-Lindgren) as an RF and Electromagnetics engineer in June 2000. In November 2014 Dr. Rodriguez Joined MI Technologies (now NSI-MI Technologies) as a Senior Applications Engineer. In this position Dr. Rodriguez works on the design of antenna, RCS, and radome measurement systems. During his tenure at NSI-MI Dr. Rodriguez was involved in designing several Antenna and RCS anechoic ranges for near to far field, Compact Range and far field measurements. In 2017 Dr. Rodriguez was promoted to staff engineer positioning him as the resident expert at NSI-MI of RF absorber and indoor antenna ranges. He is the author of more than fifty publications including journal and conference papers and book chapters.

HD-9: Advancing NextGen Wireless Communication: From Phased Array Antenna Verification and Measurement to mmWave Rapid Prototyping and FR2/FR3 Applications
Sunday, 14 July, 13:40 - 17:20

Presented by: Guan-Long Huang, Vincent Lee

Location: Affari: Hall 2.1

Industrial workshop promoted by TMY Technology, Inc. (TMYTEK): there is no fee to attend this workshop, however, advance registration is required to attend.

Phased Array Antenna Verification and Measurement

The workshop will focus on advanced mmWave antenna-related testing techniques, including affordable anechoic chamber upgrade solutions for mmWave antenna/metasurface testing by using UD Box the bi-directional up/down converters, multi-channel array beamforming testing by using BBox, cost-effective hybrid-field (Farfield/Planar Nearfield/Cylindrical Nearfield/Spherical Nearfield/CATR/Reverberation Chamber) test solution for various types of antenna, desktop-level THz antenna radiation test platform, as well as dielectric material characterization techniques.

NextGen Wireless Teaching Toolkit for NextGenWireless Course Instruction

Millimeter-wave spectrum lays the foundation of 5G NR, LEO, Radar, and future wireless technology. Getting started in mmWave technology is expensive and complex. TMYTEK built a cost-effective solution for professors and students to unleash creativity for future wireless technology.

The TMYTEK NextGen Wireless Teaching Toolkit is a comprehensive package that integrates hardware and software for educational and R&D purposes. It includes everything needed to kickstart mmWave innovation, from 5G FR2 beamformers and frequency converters to 40 GHz RF cables. Professors will find the labsheets invaluable for courseware preparation while engineering students can delve into the fundamentals of beamforming and mmWave propagation. Additionally, the toolkit supports R&D prototyping in areas such as antenna design, protocol development, and wireless communication system optimization, including applications like 5G FR2 communication, SATCOM Ka-band testbeds, radar digital processing, and algorithm development.

5G/6G Testbeds and Implementation of RIS, Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC), Vital Sign Sensing and Radar Detection

The development of 5G/6G technologies has led to advanced communication. TMYTEK explored 5G/6G communication from Phased Array Antennas (PAA) to FR2/3 Communication Testbeds and mmW-SDR technology, featuring the capability of the antenna systems and beamforming enable rapid prototyping, and algorithm testing offering an adaptable testbed for developing versatile wireless communication applications.

Based on mmW-SDR, the Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems could be well developed in one platform. The mmW-Radar solution includes the sensing technology for In-Car Child Presence Detection (CPD) and intelligent car door sensing, and also as the radar detection testbed for flying object threat detection will be discussed during the workshop.