75th Anniversary Plenary Session

Thursday, 18 July, 2024 10:40AM - 12:20PM

Cavaniglia Hall at Fortezza da Basso Convention Center
“Celebrating 75 Years of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Looking Forward to the Next 75 Years”

Plenary Speakers
  • Branislav Notaros IEEE AP-S President
  • Thomas Coughlin IEEE President & CEO
  • Trevor Bird
  • Constantine Balanis
  • Raj Mittra
  • Yahya Rahmat-Sami
  • Stefano Maci
  • Mahta Moghaddam
  • Christophe Fumeaux
Detailed Program
Session Speaker
75th Anniversary of the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Society and its Accomplishments Branislav Notaros
IEEE: Driving Innovation for 140 years Tom Coughlin
Presidential Greetings from Sister IEEE Societies and International Organizations
75 Years of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Trevor Bird
75 Years of IEEE AP-S Research and Applications: Antennas Constantine Balanis
75 Years of IEEE AP-S Research and Applications: Computational Electromagnetics Raj Mittra
75 Years of IEEE AP-S Research and Applications: Electromagnetics Design Yahya Rahmat-Sami
75 Years of IEEE AP-S Research and Applications: Materials and Devices Stefano Maci
75 Years of IEEE AP-S Research and Applications: Propagation and Scattering Mahta Moghaddam
75 Years of IEEE AP-S Research and Applications: Communications, Defense, Medicine Christophe Fumeaux
Past, Present, and Future of AP and AP-S – Panel Discussion and Q&As for all talks All Speakers