MO-A2.3P: Reconfigurable and Programmable Metasurface Antennas
Mon, 15 Jul, 13:40 - 17:20
Location: Spadolini: 1-04
Session Type: Oral
Session Chair: Mohammad Fakharzadeh, Sharif University of Technology
Track: AP-S: Antenna Enhancements
Mon, 15 Jul, 13:40 - 14:00

MO-A2.3P.1: 60 GHz Programmable Dynamic Metasurface Antenna for 6G Avenues, Contactless HealthCare, and Smart Factories

Abdul Jabbar, Muhammad Ali Imran, Qammer Abbasi, Masood Ur-Rehman, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Mon, 15 Jul, 14:00 - 14:20

MO-A2.3P.2: The Design of Programmable Metasurface for Duplexing Communications with Different-Frequency and Different-Polarization

Xian Kun Zeng, Jin Tong Hu, Yong Han Liu, Yun Bo Li, Southeast University, China
Mon, 15 Jul, 16:00 - 16:20

MO-A2.3P.7: Design and Analysis of a 1-bit Guided Wave Fed Transmitarray Antenna

Kevin Mutai, Qiang Chen, Tohoku University, Japan
Mon, 15 Jul, 16:20 - 16:40

MO-A2.3P.8: Wideband Polarization Insensitive Unit Cell for Binary Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

Mohammad A. AbdElraheem, Amir M. Chistaz, Abdel Razik Sebak, Concordia University, Canada
Mon, 15 Jul, 16:40 - 17:00

MO-A2.3P.9: A Beam-Reconfigurable Metasurface Based on Dual-Polarized Units

Chen Tao Zheng, Bo Wang, Tongji University, China; Ajay K. Poddar, Ulrich L. Rohde, Synergy Microwave Corporation, United States; Mei Song Tong, Tongji University, China
Mon, 15 Jul, 17:00 - 17:20

MO-A2.3P.10: Design of Non-Reciprocal Reconfigurable Meta-Atom with Independent Phase Controls of the Transmitting and Receiving Chains

He Li, Hao Zhou, Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology, China; Chao Yue Gong, Shanghai Aerospace Electronic Technology Institute, China; Yun Bo Li, Southeast University, China