
Characterizing the Permittivity and Temperature Sensing of Medicaments Using Microwave Sensors

Youness Zaarour, Fatimazahrae El Arroud, Hafid Griguer, Microwave Energy Sensing (MSE), DICE - University of Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Benguerir, 43152, Morocco, Morocco; Otman El Mrabet, Laboratoire System of Information and Telecommunications (LaSIT), Faculty of Science, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan 93000, Morocco, Morocco; Rafiq El Alami, Microwave Energy Sensing (MSE), DICE - University of Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Benguerir, 43152, Morocco, Morocco; Abdessamad Faik, Laboratory for Inorganic Materiels for Sustainable Energy Technologies(LIMSET) - University of Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Benguerir, 43152, Morocco, Morocco

Characterization of Materials Oral

AP-S: Electromagnetics: Theory, Materials, and Education

Spadolini: 1-05

Session Time:
Tue, 16 Jul, 13:40 - 17:20
Presentation Time:
Tue, 16 Jul, 16:00 - 16:20

Session Co-Chairs:
Walter Fuscaldo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and Michael Havrilla, Air Force Institute of Technology
Session TU-A3.2P
TU-A3.2P.1: An Effective Technique for the Characterization of Dielectric Materials through Terahertz Time-Domain Measurements in Reflection Mode
Walter Fuscaldo, Tiziana Ritacco, Francesco Maita, Silvia Tofani, Luca Maiolo, Romeo Beccherelli, Dimitrios Zografopoulos, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
TU-A3.2P.2: Gated Reflect Line Self-Calibration Technique for Accurate Material Parameter Extraction with Focus Beam Systems
Jeffrey Massman, Air Force Research Laboratory, United States; Michael Havrilla, Air Force Institute of Technology, United States
TU-A3.2P.3: Setup for Material Characterization in the 110-170 GHz Band
Salvador Moreno-Rodriguez, Research Centre for Information and Communication Technologies (CITIC-UGR), University of Granada, Spain; Mario Pérez-Escribano, Telecommunication Research Institute (TELMA), Universidad de Málaga, Spain; Sergio Ortiz-Ruiz, Francisco Javier García-Ruiz, Pervasive Electronics Advanced Research Laboratory (PEARL), University of Granada, Spain; Borja Plaza-Gallardo, National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA), Spain; Carlos Molero, Research Centre for Information and Communication Technologies (CITIC-UGR), University of Granada, Spain; Enrique Márquez-Segura, Telecommunication Research Institute (TELMA), Universidad de Málaga, Spain
TU-A3.2P.4: Dielectric Permittivity Estimation of Liquid Phantoms Using a Coaxial Fixture Based on Hybrid PSO-NLR model
Giacomo Muntoni, Matteo Bruno Lodi, Andrea Melis, Claudia Macciò, Alessandro Fanti, Giuseppe Mazzarella, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy
TU-A3.2P.5: Permittivity determination of polymers at 900 MHz using the transmission line method coupled to a CSRR.
Georges Chehade, Arnaud Vena, Sylvie Guenard-Jarrix, Brice Sorli, Institute of electronics and systems IES, UMR 5214,, France
TU-A3.2P.6: Non-Destructive Dielectric Characterization of Sample Leather via a Custom-Designed Open-endend Coaxial Probe
Eliana Canicattì, Free Space SRL, Italy; Guido Nenna, Lab RaSS - CNIT, Italy; Giuseppe Novellis, Free Space SRL, Italy; Agostino Monorchio, University of Pisa / Lab RaSS - CNIT, Italy
TU-A3.2P.7: Characterizing the Permittivity and Temperature Sensing of Medicaments Using Microwave Sensors
Youness Zaarour, Fatimazahrae El Arroud, Hafid Griguer, Microwave Energy Sensing (MSE), DICE - University of Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Benguerir, 43152, Morocco, Morocco; Otman El Mrabet, Laboratoire System of Information and Telecommunications (LaSIT), Faculty of Science, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan 93000, Morocco, Morocco; Rafiq El Alami, Microwave Energy Sensing (MSE), DICE - University of Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Benguerir, 43152, Morocco, Morocco; Abdessamad Faik, Laboratory for Inorganic Materiels for Sustainable Energy Technologies(LIMSET) - University of Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Benguerir, 43152, Morocco, Morocco
TU-A3.2P.8: An Evaluation of Anisotropic Ink for Improved Reliability of Printed Electronics
Michelle Connolly, Lucas Unger, Thomas Cecelya, Shawn Kelliher, Christopher Molinari, Corey Shemelya, University of Massachusetts Lowell, United States
TU-A3.2P.9: Permittivity inversion from double bounce scattering using one co-polarization
Steve Tyler, Xavier Dupuis, Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales, France; Régis Guinvarc'h, Laetitia Thirion, CentraleSupélec - Université Paris-Saclay, France
TU-A3.2P.10: Skin Effect in Multiphase Concentric Cylinders
Celestine Ananda, Francisco Lopez Jimenez, University of Colorado, Boulder, United States