
Some Notes on the use of Classic and Quantum processing in the Deep Physical Layer

Marco Donald Migliore, University of Cassino, Italy

Quantum Technology Related to Electromagnetics Oral

Special Sessions

Teatrino: 0-18

Session Time:
Tue, 16 Jul, 13:40 - 17:20
Presentation Time:
Tue, 16 Jul, 17:00 - 17:20

Session Co-Chairs:
Thomas Roth, Purdue University and Paolo Rocca, ELEDIA@UniTN - University of Trento and Weng Chew, Purdue University
Session TU-SS.2P
TU-SS.2P.1: Quantum Optimization Methods for Unconventional Antenna Arrays Design
Luca Tosi, Alessandro Polo, Xueqing Yang, Paolo Rocca, ELEDIA@UniTN - University of Trento, Italy
TU-SS.2P.2: Rydberg Atom-Based Sensors: Transforming SI-Traceable Measurements from RF fields to Thermometry
Christopher Holloway, Matthew Simons, Nikunjkumar Prajapati, Samuel Berweger, Andrew Rotunno, Alexandra Artusio-Glimpse, Noah Schlossberger, Dangka Shylla, William Watterson, Eric Norrgard, Stephen Eckel, NIST, United States
TU-SS.2P.3: Analytical Quantum Full-Wave Solution of Transmon Qubits in a 3D Waveguide Cavity
Soomin Moon, Thomas Roth, Purdue University, United States
TU-SS.2P.4: Study of the Maximum Operating Distance of a Quantum Radar
Isabel Carnoto Amat, Pablo Fajardo, Luis Enrique García Muñoz, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain; Rosa Pulido, Francisco Morales, Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España (ISDEFE), Spain
TU-SS.2P.5: Numerical Study of Interactions between Multiple Atoms and Electromagnetic Fields in a Lossy Cavity without Markovian Approximation
Dong-Yeop Na, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea (South); Christopher Ryu, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, United States; Weng Chew, Purdue University, United States; Bowoo Jang, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea (South)
TU-SS.2P.6: Quantum Metamaterials and Metasurfaces
Andrea Alu, City University of New York, United States
TU-SS.2P.7: Hybrid Quantum-Classical Optimisation of Large Reflective Metasurfaces under Random Field Excitation
Gabriele Gradoni, University of Surrey, United Kingdom; Emanuel Colella, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche, Italy; Mohsen Khalily, University of Surrey, United Kingdom; Zhen Peng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
TU-SS.2P.8: Efficient Single Photon Emission with Quantum Plasmonic Nanocavities
Christos Argyropoulos, The Pennsylvania State University, United States; Mohammadjavad Dowran, Ufuk Kilic, Suvechhya Lamichhane, Adam Erickson, Sy-Hwang Liou, Abdelghani Laraoui, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States
TU-SS.2P.9: A Volume Integral Equation Approach Towards Modeling the Quantum Hydrodynamic Response from a Metallic Sphere
Christos Mystilidis, Xuezhi Zheng, Guy A. E. Vandenbosch, KU Leuven, Belgium
TU-SS.2P.10: Some Notes on the use of Classic and Quantum processing in the Deep Physical Layer
Marco Donald Migliore, University of Cassino, Italy