WE-A2.1A: Radar Systems and Radiators
Wed, 17 Jul, 08:40 - 10:20
Location: Monumentale: 0-14
Session Type: Oral
Session Chair: Mitsuo Taguchi, Nagasaki University
Track: AP-S: Antenna Enhancements
Wed, 17 Jul, 08:40 - 09:00

WE-A2.1A.1: A Robust Signal Transformation Classification Method to Improve the Range Resolution of Array FMCW Radar with Element Offset

Yutong Tian, Haining Yang, Shijia Yi, Tingjun Li, Na Li, Yujian Cheng, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Wed, 17 Jul, 09:00 - 09:20

WE-A2.1A.2: A Novel Miniaturized Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons-based Monopulse Antenna for Advanced Target Detection and Tracking

Rakesh Prasad, Anirban Sarkar, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, India
Wed, 17 Jul, 09:20 - 09:40

WE-A2.1A.3: Wullenweber Antenna with ULPIL Element Antenna for Secondary Surveillance Radar

Mitsuo Taguchi, Nagasaki University, Japan; Haruo Kawakami, Kato Electric Industry Co., Ltd., Japan
Wed, 17 Jul, 09:40 - 10:00

WE-A2.1A.4: A Technique for High-Resolution Radar Coverage Using Multi-Mode Superposition

Fatemeh Akbar, Sharif University of Technology, Iran; Behzad Yektakhah, University of Michigan, United States
Wed, 17 Jul, 10:00 - 10:20

WE-A2.1A.5: A new DBFN ground station for European launcher TM tracking

Sébastien Rougerie, Nicolas Ferrando, Céline Berland, ThalesAleniaSpace, France; Emmanuel Bouisson, Romain Contreres, CNES, France; Olivier Fouquet, IngeSpace, France