MO-UB.1A: Devices, Systems, Applications: Part I
Mon, 15 Jul, 08:40 - 12:20
Location: Spadolini: 1-11
Session Type: Oral
Session Co-Chairs: Rainee Simons, NASA Glenn Research Center and Giuseppe Carluccio, University of Napoli Federico II
Track: B: Devices, Systems, Applications
Mon, 15 Jul, 08:40 - 09:00

MO-UB.1A.1: Amplifier Output Power, Gain, Efficiency, and Bandwidth: A Comparative Study of GaN HEMT MMIC Multi-Stage Power Amplifiers versus Distributed Power Amplifiers

Rainee Simons, Marie Piasecki, Joseph Downey, Bryan Schoenholz, NASA Glenn Research Center, United States
Mon, 15 Jul, 09:00 - 09:20

MO-UB.1A.2: Miniaturized SIW-HIR Topology for Controlling Bound States in the Continuums (BICs)

Zahra Manzoor, Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue University, United States
Mon, 15 Jul, 09:20 - 09:40

MO-UB.1A.3: Single Pole Double Throw Discrete Switch using Switchable Microstrip Line Resonators for Millimeter Wave in 26/28 GHz Band

Noor Azwan Shairi, Amirul Aizat Zolkefli, Adib Othman, Zahriladha Zakaria, Maizatul Alice Meor Said, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Malaysia; Huda A Majid, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia
Mon, 15 Jul, 09:40 - 10:00

MO-UB.1A.4: A K-band Multi-mode GaAs Power Amplifier

Hao Zhou, Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology, China
Mon, 15 Jul, 10:00 - 10:20

MO-UB.1A.5: Glycemic Profile Monitoring using CPW line Excited Electric LC Resonator based RF biosensor

Prakrati Azad, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India; Ankita Kumari, M Jaleel Akhtar, IIT Kanpur, India
Coffee Break
Mon, 15 Jul, 10:40 - 11:00

MO-UB.1A.6: Comparison of spinning centimetric resonant electric and magnetic dipoles with microwaves

Côme Jodet, Olivier Pascal, Jérôme Sokoloff, LAPLACE, France
Mon, 15 Jul, 11:00 - 11:20

MO-UB.1A.7: Detection of Respiratory Arrhythmia in Radar Based Heartbeat Estimation

Michelle Rosalie Claude Momi Tchameni, Volker Lücken, Hochschule trier, Germany; Udo Schröder, IEE S.A, Luxembourg; Andreas Richard Diewald, Hochschule trier, Germany
Mon, 15 Jul, 11:20 - 11:40

MO-UB.1A.8: A H-band Direct Laser Written Leaky-wave Fed GRIN Lens Antenna

Kai Yao, Ali M. Mohammed, Vahid Nasrollahi, Stefan Dimov, Miguel Navarro-Cía, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom; Stephen Hanham, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Mon, 15 Jul, 11:40 - 12:00

MO-UB.1A.9: A Spectrally Efficient Ka-Band GaN Power Amplifier with Scalable Power Combining Architecture for Lunar High Data Rate Direct-to-Earth Communications

Rainee Simons, Marie Piasecki, Joseph Downey, Bryan Schoenholz, NASA Glenn Research Center, United States
Mon, 15 Jul, 12:00 - 12:20

MO-UB.1A.10: Printed Circuit Board-Based Thin-film Dielectric Characterization Fixture for mmW Bands

Yagmur Ozturk, Maruf Hossain, The Ohio State University, United States; Alebel Arage, General Motors, United States; Niru Nahar, Kubilay Sertel, The Ohio State University, United States