MO-A4.2A: Finite-Difference Time-Domain methods I
Mon, 15 Jul, 08:40 - 12:20
Location: Spadolini: 1-08
Session Type: Oral
Session Co-Chairs: Costas Sarris, University of Toronto and Cynthia Furse, University of Utah
Track: AP-S: Computational and Analytical Techniques
Mon, 15 Jul, 09:00 - 09:20

MO-A4.2A.2: Toward the Development of a 3D SBP-SAT FDTD Subgridding and Practical Applications

Hanhong Liu, Beihang University, China; Ge Li, Beijing Institute of Space Long March Vehicle, China; Shunchuan Yang, Beihang University, China
Mon, 15 Jul, 09:20 - 09:40

MO-A4.2A.3: A Theoretically Stable FDTD Subgridding Method with Arbitrary Grid Ratios and Material Transitions

Yuhui Wang, Beihang University, China; Ge Li, Beijing Institute of Space Long March Vehicle, China; Shunchuan Yang, Beihang University, China
Mon, 15 Jul, 09:40 - 10:00

MO-A4.2A.4: The FDTD Method for Hybrid Computations of the Maxwell and Linear LLG Equations

Li Li, Yuanxun Wang, UCLA, United States
Mon, 15 Jul, 10:00 - 10:20

MO-A4.2A.5: Accelerating Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) Solvers using Voxels-in-Cell Method

Kenan Tekbaş, University of Granada, Spain; Jean-Pierre Bérenger, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Luis D. Angulo, Miguel Ruiz Cabello, Salvador G. Garcia, University of Granada, Spain
Coffee Break
Mon, 15 Jul, 10:40 - 11:00

MO-A4.2A.6: The RF Impedance Of A Probe In A Plasma With Anisotropic Electron Neutral Collision Frequencies

Piyas Chowdhury, Phanindra Rayapati, Edmund Spencer, Saeed Latif, University of South Alabama, United States
Mon, 15 Jul, 11:00 - 11:20

MO-A4.2A.7: Numerical Modeling of Photodetectors Made from Two-Dimensional Materials

Ergun Simsek, Raonaqul Islam, Curtis Menyuk, University of Maryland Baltimore County, United States
Mon, 15 Jul, 11:20 - 11:40

MO-A4.2A.8: A Surface Impedance Method with Synchronization in Time for FDTD Simulation of Thin Sheets

Yong Wang, Scott Langdon, Remcom Inc., United States